Les Meilleures Propriétés du Costa Rica

Playa Negra Realty website launch

O.k. Here it is. This is our first blog for the new webpage. What do we talk about? The possibilities are limitless. Why don’t we just start with some information about who we are.

Playa Negra Realty came to light about three years ago. Ooof! This was just when things were going south in the world financial sector. I was working in Tamarindo for years with another real estate company. That drive from Playa Negra to Tamarindo on a daily basis was getting to be a bit too much…at least that is what my squeaking and tired suspension system was telling me! There was already some other offices opened here in Playa Negra. Competition. No matter what the others were doing or selling I saw a niche in the market.

We have slightly different ideals here. We aren’t necessarily interested in brokering all the land for development. Where would the Howler Monkey’s, squirrels, birds, and all the other animals go? We don’t want to see high rise buildings in the landscape. I thought that the best way to accomplish this was to bring my land owning friends together and find a way to sell it all to people that just want to come here and live or retire. This is a difficult prospect in a trying time. There aren’t that many people left with the resources to buy.

However, this didn’t deter me at all. Little by little I have kept the faith and kept moving forward one for sale sign at a time, one new customer at a time, one new friendship that blossomed into business at a time. The real beauty about Playa Negra is that every day there are new faces in town. You would be amazed by how many people from different lands and cultures make there way to this little rural beach town. There is a magic here that keeps them coming. I digress..

One of the driving forces that makes Playa Negra Realty a success is our dedication to giving back to nature. We donate a large portion of net revenue the SalveMonos howler monkey saving project. We don’t do it because of carbon credits. We don’t do it to show we are eco-mided. We don’t do it to be in. We do it because we want to see those critters in the morning passing by the house as we drink coffee and eat breakfast. We want to hear their howls when the sun is setting. We want them to be around for a long time for future generations to enjoy.

So, take a moment and tell a friend about us, look at the web page, or just follow us. We just might have something that interests you. We just might be able to help you fulfill your dreams.

Larry Graziano
Playa Negra Realty

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