The best Beach Properties in Costa Rica

Acerca de Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a small Central American country of 19,730 square miles (51,100 sq kilometers), about the combined size of New Hampshire, New Jersey and Rhode Island. It is bordered by the Pacific Ocean on the West and the Caribbean Sea on the East; Nicaragua to the North, and Panamá to the South. Crossing from one coast to the other takes about five hours by land; traveling overland from the northern to the southern border takes about 10-11 hours on the Interamerican Highway.
The more than one million tourists who visit Costa Rica each year do so for good reason. Costa Rica, located in Central America, is a fantastically gorgeous country which offers beautiful beaches; the majestic, active Arenal volcano; lush, exotic, fantasy-green rain and cloud forests (amid which this development is situated), and a seemingly never-ending range of tropical animal and plant life.

Along with its unparalleled and impressive scenic beauty reinforced by a consolidated system of protected wildlife areas, Costa Rica offers the potential investor/resident social and political stability, excellent schools at all levels, and an expanding, modern communications, transportation and services infrastructure.
Costa Rica’s strategic position in the heart of the Western Hemisphere, its government’s positive attitude to foreign investment, its infrastructure, access to international markets, and the quality and cost of labor, make Costa Rica an ideal place both to live and to do business. Some even call it the Switzerland of the Western Hemisphere!

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